| - Maybe 2.5*
I hate dim sum. Ok, lemme clarify that, I hate dim sum in Mississauga and certain parts of TO. Having said that, I have yet to experience dim sum in Markham/RH, proper!
I especially dislike it when non-Chinese friends suggest dim sum and I happen to be 1 of the few Chinese people at the table. Inevitably, I'll get annoying questions like, "What's good here?" AND people ordering crap that I would never eat/"big dishes" that cost like $6...that I would never eat!
Having eaten dim sum in HK, it's safe to say that the 'ssaug is probably one of the worst places in GTA-west for our version of tapas! (Oakville/Brampton is not even in the race!) Dishes are most likely double-steamed/fried and in general, not as fresh as it could be. And as to whether or not most places have an actual dim sum chef? Who knows!
Summit Garden is considered one of the better places in the city for ds and despite the crowd waiting outside, it's pretty mediocre at best. Setting is nicer, with white table cloths, waitstaff in uniforms, high ceiling, but take that away, and the food is just ok. It's edible, but I don't really enjoy.