| - Big fan of places you can throw things on the ground, but usually it's the places that only have peanuts. Here at Savory, it's entirely different. They have racks all about where there are spices galore - many of which you cannot even fathom.
What's more, nearly all of them have a sampler (it's like a game to find the ones without) where you can open and smell, and if you are so interested, you can shake it into your hand and have a taste. Whatever is left you can dump onto the floor. If you can imagine, all those smells, throughout the course of the day, end up in an amazing bouquet of scents. It's pretty awesome.
There are also a few tasty treats, including the candied ginger up front, and you can usually find a few recipes as well. There are occasionally even classes at the shop, and they will dispense your chosen spice in just about any size, from a tiny bit all the way up to a massive jar. So you have no excuse to not get to cooking!