| - This is a moderate, 3 mile round trip hike in the Conservation Area. You get to the trailhead by driving the Scenic Drive about halfway. Between Mile 7 and 8 on the drive, there's a side road that turns off to the right. There is a sign saying Willow Springs Picnic Area and Lost Creek Children's Discovery Trail a couple of hundred feet before the road. Turn right onto this road and go to the end where the fencing is at the picnic area.
From here, start hiking west on a dirt road that goes by an Indian roasting pit, down into a wash, and back up. On the other side of the wash, Rocky Gap Road (a 4x4 road that's very bad) goes off to your left. For La Madre Springs, turn right and follow the signs to the Springs.
The trail is a busy one at Red Rock so you most likely won't be hiking alone. There is an elevation gain, and you may need to stop and catch your breath. Also, the trail is not smooth. For a fair amount of the trail, you're walking on some good size gravel and rocks, so take care as you hike along.
After a while, you'll come to a side trail, the White Rock Loop Trail, that goes off to your right. DON'T take this trail. That's for another day. Keep going straight ahead. You'll come to some concrete pads. This was once used by an archery club.
Eventually you come to a small concrete dam that is La Madre Springs. The dam was built by an owner of the property years ago to store water for animals. This is technically the end of the hike. To make it more interesting, you can walk along the creek that runs into the dam and follow a well used trail that leads to some small waterfalls.
The trail continues beyond here into the mountains, but I don't recommend this unless you're with someone who has done this trail. It can be a bit muddy in a couple of places, you have to cross the creek a couple of times, and the footing gets poor.
It's best to explore just past the dam and then re-trace your steps to the parking area. If you bring a cooler, the Willow Springs Picnic Area is a great place to have a sandwich and drink before driving back to Las Vegas.
Happy hiking!