| - I have nothing but praise for the professionalism and quality of care given by the DVMs at Blue Cross Animal Hospital. I must also say, that for the most part, the supporting staff is friendly, and seem to genuinely care about animals.
Okay, good quality care, then why I did I only give it 3 Stars?
Availabiltiy and price.
If there was a real emergency, they would find a way for my pet to see a Doctor. However, for any of my 3 pets to see their preferred Doctor, there would be a considerable amount of time. Usually a wait for almost a week.
Also, their prices are quite out of sight!!
One of my dogs needed a mystery tumor removed, and a teeth cleaning. I was quoted between $1700- $1838. Though we have Catastrophy Pet Health Insurance, the deductible is $1000, and the cleaning, included in the quote, was not covered by Insurance. In other words, all out of pocket.
Beeing frugal, I got a quote from a nearby competitor, and it was for a MAXIMUM of $638. That quote also included removing a second tumor found, that Blue Cross missed.
I saved over $1000, and my dog is happy, healthy, and running around. Best gift I could ever ask for Christmas.
As another example, they charge $17 for a routine "anal squeezing" (nice way to put it). The competitor charges $9, and my experience twice is they usually "comp" it, if the dog is there for other things such as vaccines or blood tests. Small deal, but the savings encourages us to bring them there for this service often for the sake of the pet's best health.
Again, I will say, if you are in a bind, it's an emergency, and your love one needs help, they will do a fine job. Just don't let them sell you on unneccessary studies, frivillous over night stays, and be prepared to max out your credit card.