| - Before I came to Las Vegas I was worried about finding anything healthy to eat, that is, until I discovered this little gem. A Japanese food restaurant with a healthy spin on it?! Vegas -really does- have it all!
Sometimes, when you see the word "healthy" slapped on anything, it can mean dull/boring food with no flavor... but that's not the case when it comes to Teriyaki Boy: Healthy Grill.
Not only does their food taste good, but it also LOOKS good too. They use fresh vegetables, grilled chicken, lean cuts of meat, with low-fat sauces, and they don't cover their food in tons of fatty oil or batter. And their food doesn't look boring -- the food presentation is quite nice. In fact, I was shocked at how great their Yakisoba Bowl tasted and looked. (Not to mention the fact that their Yakisoba noodles are made out of wheat!)
I noticed that they also have gyouza on their menu, but I didn't try it. The reason is because I know that gyouza tastes the best when its deep fried, and crunchy, but that's by no means healthy. So I was surprised to see it on the menu at all. But in all honesty, to me their gyouza looked a bit soggy from the picture, so I didn't order it. Perhaps next time I will.
I thought the prices were reasonable and the service is friendly and fast. They even remember your name and bring the food out to your table. How many other fast food restaurants do this? Not many. And even fewer can claim that their food is healthy. So that says a lot.
The interior of the restaurant is small, but not cramped. I also like how they have pictures of all of their popular menu items up on the walls so you can see them. The restroom is SPOTLESSLY clean. I thought that I was in a fancy hotel restroom. I was honestly impressed.
Now, for all of you people who are saying that their food "needs a little more flavor" (you know who you are), you are wrong. Your taste-buds needs to learn to eat healthy food, and pass on going to McDonald's a little more often. After eating junk food for many years, you have to re-acquire a taste for healthy food. And this right here, is your opportunity. Bon appetit.
To sum things up, in my honest professional opinion, this place is awesome. I love Teriyaki Boy Healthy Grill. And I would most certainly come back here if and when I pass through Las Vegas again.