| - My family and I have been renting a home from Colony American for 6 months now. I was impressed with the quick application process, but when it came closer to move-in time, there was some kind of turnover in the office and I could not reach my agent the day before we were scheduled to move across the country to AZ. Luckily another leasing agent stepped in. He was great, but on move-in day, the house was pretty dirty (for my standards), such as dead bugs all over the carpet, dirty windows, some of the blinds were broken, tile was so dirty if you walked barefoot the bottom of our feet turned black, garage door opener was broken, kitchen sink faucet was leaky, there was a strange smell (like cigarette smoke that was covered up by new paint- took several weeks for the smell to go away) and the pool was filthy, thick and green and looked like it was breeding mosquitos. The leasing agent apologized and tried to get someone out as quickly as possible to address the pool issue and put in the work order for some of the other things.
I don't think the renters before took very good care of the property from the condition it was left in and didn't seem like whoever was responsible to make sure the property was clean for the new renters did what they were supposed to. My husband and I are used to being homeowners and treat this house like our own and make sure the lawn is taken care of. There's been other small issues with the ice maker and pool which the company took care of right away.
Overall, our experience so far is that the new leasing agent and company have been very responsive to getting things fixed in the house. We haven't been charged any extra fees or fines. We use the auto-pay system on the company website so we never have to worry about a late payment. I have called the local office one time and received a call back pretty quickly. We're enjoying living in the house and the pool has been very enjoyable in the summer. No complaints so far, but we'll see what happens when it's move-out time. :) I'll update this comment then.