Centennial Hyundai may be a good car but don't take your car there for servicing! I brought my 2012 Veloster there for an oil change. When I left it was making a rattling noise when starting, idling and shutting the engine car off. It was sounding like the timing was wrong or the muffler was loose. When I took it back and asked Bryan to have the technicians to look at it, he told me that the car was supposed to sound that way and refused to look at it. Since it was a new sound and an obviously wrong sound, I took my car to Henderson Hyundai for a second opinion. They found that the shift control actuator needed to be replaced and replaced it under warranty. When I went back to Centennial Hyundai to question the manager about their faulty service, he apologized but did not seem concerned. Also, they charged me $200 for an oil change. Henderson does it for free! DON'T TAKE YOUR CAR TO CENTENNIAL FOR SERVICING!