I went here with my bf because a. I like to check out new places and b. we like the mexican food.
We did enter with expectations that these big restaurant, often chains, just don't do Mexican food like more authentic, or local places. The service was great, the ambiance and decor was really nice, and my drink was AWESOME. But the food was just lacking that soul that you're looking for with really great Mexican food. It's amazing how good taco trucks and some little holes in the wall will make you a Mexican food snob.
We got the beef and fish tacos. The fish tacos has this spiciness to it like I wasn't diggin and the beer tacos were ok. The ceviche was ok too, I find that everyone's ceviche differ greatly and it's hard to find a killer one (see: Gallo Blanco).
Black Chile is probably that place you take your parents to if you really want to eat Mexican food but they aren't daring enough to go anywhere that doesn't look like it got a 5 star rating. However, I did not jump into their Tequila bar. So maybe it's best for booze.