I have never had a bad experience with Amc until the fire alarms went off and it was said to be the popcorn machine. The manager came out once to inform the crowed rudely to "move away from the building due to a potential fire". The firemen cane came out saying that everything was fine. After that they sent out one employee to tell the crowed they were going to rest and figure out what to do with the some odd several hundred people waiting to finish their movie. After waiting for one hour to get a refund on our tickets we gave up and left. We only saw employees restocking the concessions stands instead of handing out refunds and informing the crowed on what is happening. They left one employee out in front with no information to inform the crowed. We spent about 40 dollars on a show we couldn't even finish! The experience that Amc has provided has not been one to make me want to come back.