We used our first ever Groupon here. It offered a three course meal, up to $100 food for two, for $49 + +.
Our conclusion is that it was good value, but really only worth $49. Had we paid the full menu price for want we got, it would have been ABV - appallingly bad value.
The major flaw in the meal was that the appetizer three cheese/ flatbread plate Was served with ice cold cheese. Any brain dead idiot knows that chilling cheese virtually eliminates its flavor; the flavor blooms at room temperature, the temperature at which cheese is made. We couldn't believe it. Our two salads (house and Greek) were adequate but very small. The entrees were quite good - pasta bolognese and pappardelle with duck confit - although the duck leg was a bit overlooked. The wines, a chardonnay and Pinot noir, included in the deal and on the regular menu at $8 each, are excellent.