Welcome to the... Hunger Games.
I thought for sure Ms. Everdeen was going to bust into the place and start a revolution! I couldn't help but feel completely oppressed and belittled by the atmosphere and vibe this club gives off.
The Tuesday night started out with a decent line; but with a contact we were able to get in with little issue. The cover; a bit steep, but considering it's location, not unreasonable ($40 for guys; $20 for girls (another injustice; but accepted by default). At this point; Hyde has already put themselves at a disadvantage. More money at the door means less money for drinks; less drinks means less fun, and more sobriety; more sobriety means less willingness to spend a fortune on drinks.
Speaking of drinks; prepare yourself for $18/ drink. Going with a large crew; prepare yourself to spend a fortune, or not drink at all. My 'crew' was fully prepared to spend money to have a good time; but after a few rounds of drinks it was apparent 'our kind' wasn't the target consumer.
I understand the concept of table/ bottle service; but their is an injustice to those who aren't capable of spending $1000 a bottle to 'enjoy the night'. Be prepared to feel as though you're constantly in the way. Not being able to spend $1000 on bottle service, there is little to no area for you to stand or dance. You're practically crammed into a hall way with all the other 'common folk' starring at the 'box' of one percent'rs spending thousands of dollars to over indulge.
It was by far the most degrading situation I've been apart of. Leaving; we all made comments to one another; and the one that stands out the most was:
"It was like we spent hundreds to watch 'rich people' spend thousands; so they could have fun... like a weird twisted game, as if they were getting off on knowing we were watching."
Perhaps it was the night; or the club in general. Either way, there was no accommodation for those who live practically; but still want to enjoy the night life. The only decent thing of the night was DJ Spider; although with nowhere to dance we couldn't fully enjoy it.