They have "reverse" happy hour after 10pm and 1/2 price appetizers plus drink specials. They also have Karaoke on certain nights of the week - in 2011 they had it on Tuesday nights but as of 2013 they've been doing Karaoke on certain Fri, Sat, Sun. They also have Bud, Bud Light, and Coors on tap for $3 ALL DAY LONG. This is as of Dec 2013.
To all you fuddy-duddys typing bad review on this place, you should realize that this location is on one of the busiest corners in the Gilbert/Mesa area, so cool your jets and stop acting likely fat grumpy self-important little pigs.
(run-on sentence, I know)
Apple Bees is suppose to be a fun place to eat and spend time with friends/family or a drunken stuper. I eat here often enough to know that your servers are constantly hustling to get your order out to you. They don't want to piss you off - they need your tips. So be kind to your servers where ever you go....or they'll spit on your food, or worse...TRUE TAT!
P.S. I'm not in the food industry but know plenty of people who are~