Arrived at 3:08 for a 3:40 appt. Not seen by a Dr until 4:15, I actually don't have much of a problem with waiting as it has become the norm. My problem was with Dr. McNulty, he is rude, dismissive, arrogant and condescending. I don't want or need a warm fuzzy doctor to sugar coat things, I actually prefer a no nonsense delivery but I do expect to be treated with respect. This man actually mocked my profession during the visit. (I am a dancer/dance teacher tap ballet jazz etc not a stripper!)I was being seen for chronic back problems and while checking my range of motion and pain level, I explained that I was more flexible than most people my age so I DO have diminished range of motion and increased pain by MY standards. I was just trying to give him as much background as possible. He then proceeded to use "jazz hands" and say"Oooh, I'm a dancer." He then continued to make me feel like an idiot each time I answered his questions and basically HE told ME where I was and was not experiencing pain. Unfortunately I have HMO insurance but I will be doing anything and everything to see another doctor.