There's a reason Blockbuster is no longer in business and this store will end up the same. We were hoping for a more "nostalgic" place as the store itself claims. That is far from the truth the moment you walk into the store. It's simply someone's large collection of movies that they have piled up everywhere in the store. Good luck finding a movie that you want. It may be in the store but even the person working there isn't able to find anything. She claimed (more like complaining) the store owner leaves her weeks worth of DVDs to sort through and file every day. It was obviously true because they were actually piled up on the front desk. We were expected to wait as a couple in front of us made her search through those hundreds of DVDs on the desk to find exactly what they wanted. There's no real filing system at this place. The candy was another disappointment. Nothing nostalgic about that either. Just overpriced candy you can buy from the dollar store. The late fee for being less than half a day is almost double the price of the weekly rental fee. This place is simply a joke. Save your time and money and go to a local RedBox or rent a movie off Amazon or Hulu.