This review is for the pharmacy - I am a cancer patient about to begin chenotherapy to make my life less complicated for this time my oncologist wrote a script for 90 days nothing was said when I picked up the script but when I got home it was from 30 days. No call to me nothing said to me no call to my doctor - when I went back to find out why no calls were placed I was told that I should be glad that they got one month of my prescription that my insurance had only allowed for 1 month however when I asked if they had called the doctor they said we don't call the doctor so apparently when your doctor writes a script this pharmacy fills it however they see fit - in addition to this the entire time I was there the pharmacist stood in the middle of the pharmacy yelling this across at me. So CVS here is the facts had your pharmacist called the oncologist - the later would have called the insurance to get this approved and you would have pocketed a nice sum of money - in addition to that if this had been advised to me at pick up and I had been informed I could have at that time left the script at the pharmacy and gotten the 90 days approved but because your pharmacist behaved in such an unprofessional manner I not only will NEVER be back I will be filling a complaint for his refusal to come to the window and discuss this professionally. Costco will now get my business.