| - Our waitress appeared only once tonight at Bar Cento, managed to mutter a grammatically troubled sentence, and then forever disappeared for the remainder of the evening. Her absence would have been less significant had the mere presence of decent food arrived in her stead. Unfortunately, it did not.
A formerly strong supporter of this restaurant, I too, have raved about the Bar Cento frites, though tonight they tasted stale, flavorless, and badly microwaved. This, of course, did not stop me from eating every bite, but this I fear has more to do with a starch addiction than the quality of the food I was scarfing. Let's face it, I'd run over a Krispy Kreme truck for the unlimited warm carbohydrates.
When I asked kindly if something were different about the fries, a totally new waiter looked at me blankly and tersely said, "No." Did he bother to ask why I wondered or whether or not they tasted all right? The answer to this is also another unflinching "No." Donning a LeBron James "Witness" t-shirt, this waiter managed to ironically not see a single thing going on at our table, though if he had, he may have caught me checking to make sure my symptoms of TMJ didn't worsen while chewing.
The pizza, rather than appearing out of a brick oven, looked like it come out of a Trader Joe's box. This would have been all right if it tasted anything like a Trader Joe's pizza, but I found it bland and tough to chew through. Perhaps it needed longer in the microwave as well?
Decades later, yet another, entirely different server presented us with a check. I still left 20%, but since it gets split evenly by the 13 different staff members who incompetently served us, I'm not sure anyone will make much off our meal. The next time I'm in Ohio City to eat, I'll probably just drive to Tremont.