| - I almost want to give Regal Colonnade four stars because they have one excellent thing going that's hard to find on a Saturday night: movie theatres that aren't run over with crazy minors or the kind of people who think a camera crew is following them, eager to catch their every word and action and share it with the world.
About one in every four trips to the movies, I swear NEVER AGAIN. Prices don't bother me. Smaller screens don't bother me. I don't care about 3D.
*People*, however, bother me. I wish Las Vegas had cinemas like the Alamo Drafthouse, Arclight, et al, where if you talk loudly/text/are an ass during the film, you're not only booted out, you're scorned by most of your fellow cinema-goers, all of whom seem to know that "let your toddler run up and down the aisles babbling for the entire film" is not an alternative to getting a babysitter or staying home.
Instead, I find myself in the company of people who miss all of the ads, all of the previews, and then walk in talking at full volume and taking their sweet time to find a seat during the start of the movie. And that's something I've just come to accept as a given, a new low for acceptable standards. But I can't get used to the loud talkers, texters (or even those who take calls during the movie), and people who think possessing enough cash to buy a ticket gives them a right to inflict their overstimulated/tired/whatever baby on the rest of us.
And that's why I always refuse to go to the movies on Fridays and Saturdays... until freakish circumstances got me into Regal Colonnade a few weekends back.
The cinema seems to skew to a quieter, older clientele, the kind of people I might be able to count on to join hands in a circle and chant GET OFF OF MY LAWN! with me if someone tried to act like an idiot. (Or at least desperately hiss at offenders. That's all I ask.)
Furthermore, ushers actually come in and monitor performances. WHOA. The first time I saw this happen, I had to whip my head around to check to see if anyone was smoking in the balcony seats because surely I'd just experienced spontaneous time travel.
(Of course, I don't know what the ushers would actually do if someone was talking. Possibly they were only there to check for people recording the film, given the number of piracy warning posters. Dudes. Nobody does that now. We're all about leaked Blu-Ray screeners these days. And by "we," I mean "those other people who gave up on going to the movies because whether you'd be allowed to enjoy the film in peace and darkness became such a gamble.")
I should admit that I haven't tried to see a new movie at the Colonnade on a Saturday night, but - as much as I love Rave at Town Square - I wouldn't even go to a midnight show of The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel there for fear of d-baggery shenanigans. Here I have hope.
(By the way, I totally recommend The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel: great acting, amusing, never boring despite some predictable plot points, and visually a treat.)
Also, again, as much as I love Rave and still consider it my preferred cinema, not only are Regal Colonnade's blue raspberry frozen drinks a little tastier, but the staff will upsize them for a dollar. (Take that, Bloomberg.) Rave used to do this but stopped.
The staff at Colonnade has ranged from nicely polite to exuberantly friendly. I think the ticket-taker (I don't know his name but it's been the same guy every time) may be my fave cinema employee of all time - and I didn't even know my brain was holding auditions for this position. Buy a ticket just to meet this guy and see what taking pride in a job well done looks like.
The theatres here that I've visited have all been small, but each had partial railing in the first row of the upper section for resting your feet (important to shorty legs here), and the red plush seats are comfortable with moveable armrests and cup holders. My husband pointed out the concrete floors in his review, but I don't mind them. The sound has always been fine, although in one case we did have a little bleed-through from an adjacent theatre now and again.
It's probably not a good sign that the theatre hasn't been very busy on the Saturdays we've visited, so I think we need to get a campaign going to save both this theatre and ourselves. Let 's take back the weekend for film lovers! Let this be the cinema of choice for all those who can laugh and cry at the movies without being a self-centered nuisance. Let the revolution begin!