I was running late for a dinner date with family who wanted to try out this new and unique spot. I didn't have to wait and just got to grub. I'm a total sucker for Chinese Hot Pot and the seafood pot was so good! Broth was perfect and it even has clams in it. I freakin love clams!
We also had kebobs, of course! Had pork belly, beef, shrimp, and lamb. I refuse to try lamb but everyone at the table who does eat lamb said it was really tasty. I loved all the other meats and even enjoyed the seasoning on the table used for dipping. I'm usually pretty plain with my food (not usually one to use sauce or seasoning) but I'd highly recommend trying the seasoning by dipping your cooked meat in it. Yum!!!
I realize this is a new restaurant and a new concept for the area so trials and tribulations are expected. I've been to countless Asian restaurants and always go there with patience because good food should take time. If it doesn't, then I'm sure there's a good chance that it was microwaved lol.
I really thought this place was great fun, especially watching the little kebobs rotate and cook themselves! Funny how little things entertain me lol. Very unique and can't wait to bring my friends here for a fun dining-experience.