All the way at the far end of the Strip we finally found the best bar in the neighborhood (admittedly out of only a handful that exist).
This place was charmingly well worn around the edges, but it's mostly a standard American-Irish pub, with all the familiar bric-a-brac and beer taps. I have to object strenuously to a few of the drinks on the menu. First, there is a "Dark Bomb"--Guinness and Jagermeister. Then there is an "Irish Pancake"--Guinness and butterscotch schnapps. And finally there is the "Irish Hoe"--half Guinness, half Hoegaarden. These are crimes against nature. I can't vouch for the last one, but the first two were terrible (of course I had to try them). Jagermeister has no business within ten feet of Guinness, and the Pancake would have been okay if they halved the amount of butterscotch.
This month's featured beer is Red Stripe--get five bottles for $15. The pints have some odd prices: $5.61 for Guinness and Newcastle and $4.68 for Sam Adams.
They had some live music (a guy with a wee guitar singing eclectic covers) which was decent and ended at 1am. We were the last patrons before closing at 2, and despite them sweeping and putting up chairs, nobody ever chased us out or even looked at us askance.