| - I've been creping it up for the past few weeks, sampling crepes from all over the city.
Just in the past weeks I've been to Choco crepe, Crepe Delicious, Crepes a Go Go, my own kitchen even!, and now Crepe it Up :D
Looks like a cute coffee shop to chill at. Not too large, there are 3 small round tables on far end, a bar stool setup for lined seating, and a couple more tables along the edge near the front entrance. Chalkboard menu and a pretty good selection of teas and coffees.
Today we tried a crepe, called the Paris. (Chocolate hazelnut spread, banana, and scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side) and chinese breakfast tea, although it was 6 o'clock in the evening lol
We dug into the crepe, whoa I was surprised. This was great pairing of ingredients. It was delicious! The crepe itself was soft and moist, sort of like a pancake flavour, not so eggy.
We enjoyed the crepe so much we ordered up another one called the Mexico which was sliced apple + Crème De Leche (caramel). Jeez after trying a few bites this too was another hit. The fresh sliced red apples were razor thin, and the caramel glaze providing a warm yummy coating to counter any tartness.
The crepes were perfect. On top of this they were not that expensive (under $5)