| - $7 for a half-cup of mediocre juice diluted with a half cup of water. -- HUH? What happened, me? Were you ripped-off? Yes, self, I was. First and last time, at least.
I should have been tipped off by the fact that the juicer was a dinky piece of crap of infomercial quality. Secondly, I should have sensed something was going to go wrong when I asked the girl, "Are the fruits/veggies organic?" and the girl looked like I had asked her to explain quantum wave functions (i.e. like she'd just received a sucker-punch to the face). Thirdly, when she fumbled through the juicing process like an elk trapped in a minivan, I probably should have cut my losses and run out the door. Fourthly, when I noticed the fruit & veggies looked like they were bought at a truck stop between Phoenix and Prescott, I kicked myself for not just buying a coke.
BUT THEN, when the juice only went half way up the cup and the girl took an already opened bottle of water and filled the rest with NOT JUICE but frigg'n WATER, I should have held her in a headlock until she refunded me. -- Can you imagine paying $7 for cheeseburger, and they give you only half a burger and some stale popcorn? NO! Can you imagine paying $7 for a box of candy, but they only give you half a box of candy, and fill the rest with peanut shells? NO! ..... That would be called a RIP-OFF!!!
Do yourself a favor, people. Spend $3 for a bottle of juice at the supermarket. It'll be half as much money, better quality juice, and you won't feel like someone's just burglarized your apartment. -- LA FITNESS, kick these bums out!