Good news is they got a few 5 star reviews. But the truth is, as a multiple homeowner, I could really care less about how the company treats "vendors". As posted in other reviews, these guys use your(Our) HOA money to hire "security gaurds" to patrol Southern Highlands. Guess who comes if you call the police? The gaurds? Nope. LVPD. The "gaurds" are here to write violations and only write violations. They drive the area writting you tickets for anything from parking on the wrong side of the street to having tire marks in your driveway. They always seem to be more rediculous than the last.
It would be nice if my automatic gate worked for my $600+ a year.
It would be nice if every time I went to smiths, I didn't see 3 "gaurds' hanging out back there chatting and smoking joints.
It would be nice if you guys actually patrolled the streets instead of writing tickets for stupid shit.
It would be nice if I could have one week where I wasnt replying to some bullshit violation and wasting my time.