I bought a Lotus shirt when in the city of Montreal in the first of June. Got it back to the states and found it was to small. I then contacted them to exchange it for a XXL, when I was told they were busy with F1 week would I bare with them for they don't know what they will have in stock left. I already bought this shirt aren't I more important then some future customer. So several messages later about stock I decided to help them out, I sent my shirt back during race week so they would have one more in stock. Now they have my shirt and money! But the shirt was too small.
Race week came and went still nothing, so I contact them again, I was asked to bare with the bescaues it is World cup time and they were busy with that. How long dose one have to wait to get a return? My question to them is "How long does it take on to remove a shirt from a hanger and package it to ship it out?" ALL I WANTED IS A REPLACEMENT BLACK AND GOLD LOTUS SHIRT IN XXL AS EXCHANGE!!!!
Now they want me to open a Pay-Pal account, NO WAY DO I WANT ONE!
Les Allen.