| - Dear YYZ,
I have something to tell you. You live realllllly close to Buffalo. Did you know that flying to LAX via Buffalo is 1/2 the price (for real, HALF!) when compared to flying direct from you?
I'm not gonna lie. I totally cheated. She was cheaper... and she seemed so convenient! But I promise... boo... I promise... I've totally learned my lesson!
Buffalo Airport is as ugly as she sounds. Props for having more options than just McDonald's, but when I peeked into her kitchen, her staff wasn't wearing latex (funny pun...but honestly, SO GROSS!!!).
YYZ, you're top notch! You make me feel a hell of a lot more comfortable than BUF, it's wayyy more entertaining to people-watch at your house, you have better food options and I love the fact that you always wrap it up when you're cooking up a storm! You have great books and magazines, and you're a real treat on the eyes.
I'm going to be a big boy and come clean with you (ha!). I'm probably going to cheat a few more times in the future - like March, when I arrive in Austin (don't call it that). But soon, very soon I hope, I'll be able to afford to go steady with you. Mwah!