Do NOT go here!!. U will get your ass kicked by 3 people (bouncers) If u are to drunk. Which is what i thought we did in Vegas!? My Son was Manhandled out very aggressively,so was behind bouncer and pulled on him to let go of my son.I was walking out and i said something smartass to bouncer and he pushed me...(I am female) and on my way out!! Not staying .. I pushed him back and next thing you knw I was body slammed to the ground , put in a choke hold and ganged up by 3 people. I couldnt breathe and kept tapping him to let him knw this. He didnt care. I seriously thought i was gona die. If I was the owner of this establishment I would train my staff Better on how to deal with do not aggrivate them and manhandle them out the door!! I was a happy drunk,causing no problems. Maybe an embarrasment to myself a lil,but wasnt causing any problems. These guys are seriously messed up in the head to do this to a woman.I am sitting in ER now to see if my ribs are fractured as I am having problems breathing. It is not worth going here. Had fun everywhere else before that bar. Bartenders were nice. But Bouncers need sum schooling.. They are itching for fights. Very TWlight Zone at this place. Hope the bouncer with beard gets his KARma!