| - I really, really want to give them 4.5 stars. I can't. Thanks, Yelp.
Mercado Marimar is a tiny Mexican grocery store located on South Park St., right before you get on the highway. However, inside this place is an even smaller cantina! It appears unassuming from the outside, and there were a few people milling around in the market, mostly on their lunch break. We went up to order and were immediately greeted by a very nice woman, presumably the owner, who offered us a taste of the daily stew. It was fantastic, but that's not what we were there for. We were going to have our tacos, dammit!
A really cool feature of this place is that they have an old, creaky tortilla machine that's constantly grinding out fresh corn tortillas. I had a good feeling as they brought the food out (complete with free rice and beans!). These tacos were loaded to the brim with meat-I got the asada, pastor and campechano...again. They were all excellent. The asada was fantastic, perfectly marinated, and perfectly complimented by the cilantro and onions. The same can be said for the campechano. The pastor was very good, but I felt it was ever-so-slightly off. Overall, though? Excellent.