| - There is an entire web site devoted to complaints about Extreme. For anyone who has had a positive experience, you are in the minority. This place has so many law suits pending and legions of pissed off members but mostly ex-members. No wonder the BBB gives them an F rating, which aint good.
I came this close to joining but their aggressive, pushy salesman completely turned me off. That plus I too found the gym area dark and somewhat crowded and then I came home and did some research. Also alarm bells sounded due to the monthly fliers from them that come through my door, promising offers of $10 a month, three months free, etc. which are nothing but a hook to get you in there. If a business is doing okay, they don't need constant "fake" promotions to get members.
I've talked to a lot of people in the neighbourhood and all I kept hearing over and over again was how rude they were, how they push, push, push the whole personal trainer thing and how much of a nightmare they can be when you want to stop going. Another big complaint? If you're having problems and they are ripping you off, good luck actually speaking to anyone about it. Apparently you can phone, fax, email and snail mail and you will NOT get a response.
This place is BAD NEWS. Join at your own risk.