| - Massage, yesss! Come on now -- who doesn't enjoy being told to lie down, forget life's obligations for an hour, and pretend to be an Egyptian queen while being fanned and fed succulent grapes? Okay, maybe not that last part exactly, but the feeling is the same. Massages, when done right, make a commoner feel like royalty.
My bf and I had groupons here for awhile actually, but experienced difficulty in scheduling appointments... Heads up, it'll probably be a month out. We also had to get scheduled on different days because we both preferred a female masseuse. I think they only have one male and one female masseuse, and choosing the latter will probably result in further delay.
Upon arrival, you fill out paperwork and circle which areas you'd like more focus placed. Jemiah also asks if there's any areas you don't want massaged and the amount of pressure you prefer: light, medium, firm. (There's an option to upgrade to deep tissue for $20 if firm is not enough.) I chose to stick with firm.
The room is dimly lit with soothing music in the background. You're undressed from the waist up and she takes care in covering you. The blankets can get a little hot, though. That was my only complaint. No talking involved, it was nice to just unwind. Jemiah focused on my problem spots first, which are primarily my upper shoulders. It felt good to have meticulous hands working and have pressure points addressed. You can tell she knows what she's doing. She then proceeds to arms, hands, legs, feet, then flips you over. Overall, great massage!