Yes, the tea is good. Great even.
But as I explained to my husband after trying a sample from a Teavana employee, "Tea is inexpensive, let's just check it out." The tea I tried was $12 for 2 oz...which I found out after I asked for 4 oz. I changed my order to 2 and the female employee seemed put off. I mentioned I brewed my loose-leaf tea in my coffee maker and she was appalled, and then tried to sell me every loose-leaf tea pot in the store. When I said no to one she whipped out another one, all the while my husband was sitting back and laughing.
The sales associate was telling me how to do this, that and the other like I've never prepared tea before in my life. Hello! If I'm in a tea store, then I drink tea often.
$34 and 4 oz of tea later, I will not be returning.