| - I'm giving SMoCA a four, even though I don't really like contemporary art very much. I was looking to do something cultural on my last day in town and I didn't want to drive too far from where I was staying. Anyway, I walked in to the huge gift shop (which takes up half the museum it seems) and no one waited on me. Then, an art snob finally came out and took my money, but offered no advice about the museum.
I really enjoyed the photography exhibit by Callahan, Siskind, and Somner. Recently, I've been with a student in a photography class and so it is interesting to see these new perspectives on photography, and not just the standard pictures I see everyday on facebook. As much as I liked this part of the museum, I didn't really get the funny part of the museum. There's supposed to be all these humorous exhibits like a family tree of grocery store icons (like if Mr. Clean and Aunt Jemima got married, what would happen, etc.), a burrito stand that has a note that reads "Make your burrito. I split. signed Lupe," and two police officer mannequins who were placed upside down. I didn't get it and it was sort of funny, but not really that hilarious. Sometimes, I think the use of the word "art" is very boundless, but then again, contemporary art can be weird.