| - Open 11-7 daily, Sat 10-7
What they got going on:
-Salami & whole muscle cures
-Butcher case featuring beef, lamb, poultry, goat, pork and occasionally other meats like rabbit.
-Fresh sausages
-Fine Cheeses
-Sandwiches daily from 11-3. ($6-8) (vegetarian option(s))
-Wine & beer
-Jams, pasta, pickled items, olives, bread, sauces
-cutting broads, aprons, bags, jars, pans
-bicycle delivery
Basically they are great for cheese & meats boards, wine parties, lunch, fresh meats cut to your liking. Don't hesitate to ask the staff any question. Their super nice and have a bounty of information on the cheese and meats they love to share.
Sometimes you never know what new you will find there. Now I love all thing spicy. The other day I bought Mazi Piri Piri sauce that caught my eye. A authentic portuguese hot sauce that has whiskey among other things in it. Thats made in NJ. Let me tell you it makes a killer Bloody Mary. More info on it at A great addition to my collection of hot sauces