I had a giant Raspberry Cream muffin in the morning with a piping hot cup of coffee. What a great start to a good morning. They serve "mammoth muffins" for around $2.30. They had the typical kinds like Banana Nut, but also Cranberry Nut and Carrot, which I really wanted to try but I couldn't imagine that cream cheese frosting sitting too well at 8am. Another time.
Their muffins are big... I guess "mammoth" sized, but instead of an insanely gigantic muffin all I can picture is an adorable woolly mammoth. Anyways, I thought the muffin was cream-filled, but it came with a mini scoop of butter on the side. Not the same, and I didn't slab it on. It tasted great the way it was. With a cup of coffee my breakfast was within $5.
By the way their pies and cookies are amazing, especially their FRENCH SILK pie. All I've had here are their desserts and that is fine by me!