You know my wife and I have really enjoyed eating at this location and also ordering from grub hub-UNTIL TODAY! So I placed an order that totaled $67.55 after tax, tip, and promo code which removed $5.99 delivery fee. That was this morning for breakfast. TONIGHT I find myself getting an email from grub hub saying the menu price of the kids pancakes was slightly lower (fifty nine cents) than it should have been so apparently the cafe was asking for my bill to be adjusted? I might possibly be understanding of something like this, after all we ordered two of those kids pancakes platters so the adjustment should have only been an additional $1.28. MIND YOU I HAVE A SCREEN SHOT WHICH TELLS ME MY TOTAL SHOULD BE $67.55. THE NEW TOTAL GRUB HUB IS ASKING FOR IS $74.81! What happened to only needing to add $1.28? THIS IS THEFT! I inquired, OBVIOUSLY, and grub hub responded that the total reflects the additional $1.28 PLUS the $5.99 promo code. WHY DO WE NOT GET THE PROMO CODE ANY LONGER? This is completely illegal and we will no longer be using grub hub NOR WILL WE EVER RETURN TO THIS CAFE. All over a mistake THEY MADE in creating their online menu. $1.28 was worth losing our frequent business? WELL ok...