| - What would I do without the new Sequoya Branch? I just moved down the street this week and, as a Seattle native and former English major, libraries are important to me. Sequoya has reminded me that a good library is more than just a great selection of books and free computer time. It's about the community. As a new Madison resident, I'm so grateful.
The design of this branch is gorgeous, and it doesn't hurt that EVP coffee and Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream are both right next door! Last night, I walked up to the library about half an hour before closing. There was a Pulitzer prize-winning author giving a talk in the presentation room. Little girls were on the computers, chatting back and forth on Gmail. And I was looking for new furniture and perhaps a job on Craigslist.
Other details: There are multiple Self Check-Out stations, copy machines (copies are $.10 each), books and DVDs to rent by the week, and decent Dell computers (one of which I'm using now to write this review). Thank you, Sequoya staff, for welcoming me to Madison!