This is a WI-FI Review
When at a restaurant, coffee shop or other business,
I, like many other people these days want internet access
using my IPod or IPhone through a free WI-FI connection.
The Buffalo Chip Saloon does have WI-FI but it is marginal at best. If you are sitting at the bar inside "The Shack In the Back" which is part of the outside patio, the connection is pretty good. Twenty feet away, at the outside bar, the connection comes and goes - mostly goes, and forget about sitting at any of the tables.
I'm not even sure if the WI-FI here is intended for public use, it's locked and requires a password to connect. I asked an employee and they did give me the password. Overall the bottom line here is the system could use some work - maybe an additional access point to cover the outside area. Additionally it would be nice not to have to enter a password. Too bad about the WI-FI because this is one of my favorite places in Cave Creek. 2 stars for The Buffalo Chip Saloon on their WI-FI.
Food and Drink
They have 22 oz. cold Amber Boch beer and buckets of free salted in the shell peanuts, a definite plus!