| - EYELASH EXTENSIONS ARE THE NEW BLACK. But seriously, everybody and their mothers are getting them nowadays, so of course I had to try it myself. A friend got hers done here and it looked fantastic on her, plus it is one of the cheapest options I've found out there - ONLY $44 for the basic set! TIP: If you pay in cash you won't have to pay tax.
This was my first time getting lash extensions so I had no idea how it was going to go. It was a pretty relaxing experience, if you're not too squeamish about people putting things really close to your eyes. But as a girl who has poked and prodded at and around my eyeballs for years of wearing makeup, it was no big deal. You just need to stay still and relax as they tape down your bottom eyelashes and glue each individual hair onto your eyelashes. Mine took about an hour for around 50-70 lashes per eye. To be honest the taping your eyes part is a little uncomfortable and the glue burns just a tad. The ladies here speak Mandarin so there was a bit of a language barrier and they will try to sell you on adding more and more lashes.
Verdict: I really like the result! I asked for a more "natural" effect so it's subtle, but it definitely gives your eyes a more fluttery and flirty look. It's a bit of maintenance (e.g. can't get them wet for the 24 hours and you need to be careful washing your face). And alas, I don't need to fuss around with mascara in the morning, which is my least favourite part of makeup application.
So go ahead girl, go bat your eyelashes at every man, dog, and tree you pass.