| - My experience here with the orthodontist aspect. You judge. I have a general dentist that I am happy with and never used this place for anything besides the Ortho aspect.
Synopsis: Signage should read "Part Time Orthodontics" because it seems to be an eye wash add to get you in the door. Not their focus. There is no full time Ortho Dr (calling OD) they rotate one within many offices. They do let you know that when talking of the future plans. I foresaw problems with that but not quite as poorly as it went.
To start, OD suggested pulling last 7 stubborn baby teeth to make room for the adults over growing baby teeth. Then have a permanent retainer/appliance on the lowers to keep spaces good until those adults grew in. Great! Assistant mentioned how awesome that the piece had side brackets and would be installed already (saving costs) for the next step of a medical bar to fix overbite and then braces. Bonus!
Let me say, I never price shopped this place. I went by a referral from a newer dentist at the place I like and convenience of location.
Got retainer put in. Went to regular Dentist for extractions and lady says "oh, 6 teeth out today!?" Umm, I believed it was 7? She called and double checked. Nope, WVPDO says 6. We take out 6.
In quick time another adult tooth is overlapping a baby tooth. The 7th I was sure of. On appt. for upkeep I mention that I think they forgot the order for that tooth, what should we do? OD is not there so a picture is taken, when OD sees pics, they will call with instructions. Now I am rolling my eyes in my head over my decision for the satellite OD situation. Anyways, they call back, "nah, it's loose, she can wiggle it out" Hmm. Again I am saying to myself, this is not a relationship I wanted with a future braces business situation. The OD never seen her mouth to determine how loose it was. An attendant reported that. Honestly I believe they made a mistake. With our plan to take out all baby teeth, why would 1 not be on the extraction order? She did wiggle the tooth out, working at it very vigorously for days.
Fast forward a bit and the appliance came loose. I call for a sooner appointment with the OD to have a peek before the usual check up time a month later. I'd like to catch it before it breaks or falls out because this thing is good for our future plans right? Reception asks do I want another location faster, I say no. This location with ORTHODONTIST. Two weeks out. Again I am thinking, this is not working out timely enough for any future emergencies. My bad choice. In the meantime, the whole appliance falls out, not broken.
The appt. day comes and I get a call that they don't know why this appointment was made and she can come in, 2 weeks later as was originally booked for a checkup for an "adjustment" as the booking was noted. I was baffled, what adjustments do you make on a retainer? But finally got to say, it has come OFF! The answer was strange. The kind person read off answers from her obvious "response script" list. Still had to put me on hold to find out if our appointment was warranted and guess what else? The OD was not there that day either!!! But can you still come in? Uh, yeah.
The office is empty, locked even. No patients and a weird vibe. Attendant has a look and says all is well since her molars have erupted, appliance is no longer needed. I said what? Explained how I thought these bracketed rings were handy to have in for the next step!? She had no clue what I was saying, asked me to explain to the other lady (sales lady?) and she quickly agrees. Yes, if it has brackets she needs it for the future bar for overbite repair. But they say, let's check with the Dr on duty. ??? I said "he wasn't in when you called me today?" She states "it's the dentist. He has some orthodontic training and can tell us what's to do." Me, dumbfounded.
He looks. Yep, she needs a bar. Yep, the appliance rings can be used later for the bar but since teeth haven't finished erupting, no need to put it back on now. We'll hold onto it until we start that. Uhhh....
Weird vibe... This place wasn't opened. It was empty. Skeleton staff. I guess it was an early day and this appointment cut into it or something. This was the moment I finally had to say, and very politely, NO. You as staff are all very kind but we will not be doing anything further here. This satellite OD thing doesn't work for us to go on. Dentist says, "well that's why we cost less." Interesting, I did not know this was budget dentistry at all, I never price shopped. Me, "we have insurance." Him, "insurance doesn't cover all of this." Me "I don't care, I'll go in debt to fix her teeth but I would like an orthodontist who is present" Him "put it in a bag & give it to her to save a few bucks where ever she goes." Mic drop. He walks out.
Her "this is why we tell people our OD is part time."
No one even looked to say if the appliance was even salvageable.
Will they charge for records?
Bad referral noted at my usual office.