| - Beware, if you're entering this store without complete knowledge of what you need, you're better off searching online, or going to Lowe's. I entered the store to purchase an 8mm dry socket. I went to isle 18, looked around the isle, and confused, I searched for an employee to help. I found this gentleman to help me, and asked him what I needed, he gave me an exhausted look, and directed me to isle 17. We go to isle 17, and even more confused than how I came in, I told him to further elaborate, because I knew he didn't understand what I was requesting. After re-explaining for the third time, he tells me, "oh! You need to go to isle 18". Oh...the isle I was just at, okay. As I walked away realizing he would be of no help, I overheard another customer asking for assistance, he sighed and said he was busy and the customer apologized and asked if anyone else was available. Where is it okay to blatantly shrug off a customer, because you obviously didn't want to do anything today. After standing in aisle 18, another employee began talking to the gentleman I was just requesting help from, he sure did have time to talk another co-worker and not help customers. Although this female employee went out of her way to ask me if I needed help, once I explained what I needed, for the now fourth time, she gladly explained to me what I needed and where to find it. It only took about an hour to receive quality customer service. She is the only saving grace from this Home Depot from receiving a one star review.