| - The misses is a Trader Joe's nut so we're all up in Town & Country bizznaz weekly. So there we were Sunday night in great need of sustenance. We had a choice between the new Grassroots place & this one. I saw the sign out front for their special that night, a feta burger. The lady said fine with me, I've had their chicken souvlaki & it was good. Alas we have found refuge on this long day of errands & chores.
To take the edge off I ordered a sangria. It was fine. The prices were very affordable so I didn't expect anything heavenly. Just honest food for an honest price.
The food came & looked fine. I took a bite of the burger & it was very dry. I had a few fries which were good. After seeing the Misses dissect her chicken souvlaki & placing a piece of undercooked chicken on the spare plate between us I noticed something was just not right here. I opened the bun on my burger. What I saw was fresh lettuce, tomato & a mediocre bun...but it was the burger took me back in time to when I was in 3rd grade in the cafeteria sitting next to my buddy Jimmy. It was about half a centimeter thin & could potentially have many uses as a coaster, a mini Frisbee, an eye patch, heat shield tiles on the next shuttle to Mars, skeet shooting - altho I recommend a 12 gauge to take this thing down.
The misses noticed the dazed look on my face and says, "Honey?"
"Yeah Jimmy, what's up?" I reply..
She gave me that look & I snapped back into reality but was still in disbelief at this burger patty. I ate 2 bites & left it dismantled. I finished my fries & her charred chicken. The raw portion of her chicken ruined it for her. She ate her rice & salad, which were good.
The server was very nice & I told her what I thought of the food. I think this was the first place I've ever complained about the food at a restaurant, I just never go back. This meal was.....just very insulting. I am not an 8 year old kid anymore!
In hindsight I thought, maybe I was partially to blame ordering a burger at a Mediterranean joint but c'mon, it was the special that night!
The server seemed surprised when I showed her the brown disc. She informed me they ran out of fresh ground beef so I got a frozen one. Shame. I truly hope the next time this happens they just 86 their special & not serve garbage. I've had a better burger at a hospital at 3am.
We will not be back.
Ps. Jimmy, I miss you bro :(