DO NOT GO HERE! ** WARNING** Dr. Daliah Wachs is THIEF
i've been visiting this office since 2012
-- The staff is always new and has no idea what is going on.
-- There is paperwork from floor to ceiling, they can never find my paperwork. They mailed my bills to a NJ address for 3 years.
-- The chiropractor is a creep
-- The doctor is always frazzled & clueless. I told her what blood tests & scripts to write.
-- RIP OFF! BEWARE since 2013 they have been seeing with the the guise that my insurance was being taken. They even took my co-pays. In 2015 - 4 visits later - i am told from the doctor yelling in the back room "dont get your blood work done, your insurance may not go through". Needless to say i was very confused. a few weeks later i get a bill for $465.00! They had been charging me $150 a visit!! While they charge non-insured patients only $75. I wrote a letter that said i would pay the non-insured fees but would not pay 150 per visit as that was outrageous and no one EVER informed me that i was "uninsured" on 4 visits!! Upon receiving this letter, i was sent to collections!! no payment plan was offered, no negotiation. I then get a call if i don't pay the ow $700.00 (due to a 25% interest rate - which you sign on your intake forms) then my balance will be sent to the credit bureau ! well, i paid, and cried, and am very distraught that i had to pay these THIEVES one single dollar. it is sad that they get away with this, i am disgusted.
YOUR OFFICE IS FULL OF UNORGANIZED, DISGUSTING THIEVES. how do you look at yourself in the mirror?!