| - There are some signature Arizona experiences out-of-towners will love you for... Lo-Lo's is one of them.
I want to go 5 stars, but I'm looking for that extra Magic that made the Lo-Lo's of yesteryear transcendent.
Lo-lo has become a tad gentrified in recent years. When the Gilbert location opened up, I thought for sure my life expectancy was gonna plummet due to multiple Lo-lo's visits per week. Perhaps I should be thankful, that chicken used to own me. But something has changed from the Soulfood perfection of the Phoenix location. Don't get me wrong. It's still quite good and tearing up the competition. But I just remember the glory days when Mrs. White's Son was making it all happen on the corner of Central and Yuma. Larry's hands have left the wheel. I sure hope those glory days return.
It's all about the Chicken. The waffles are damn good as well, but you know what your comin' for... in all its Golden Broasted Juicy Deliciousness.
When I stop in, it's either gonna be Sheeda's Special (A breast, one wing, and a waffle) or lately the Pro Move has been to go with the Famous Soulfood Platter.
With the Platter and just a few bucks more, you get to create your own variation:
Most times I go with
- Three pieces of Southern Fried goodness (Breast, wing, and thigh)
Sometimes I mix it up with
- One piece of Catfish & one succulent Breast of chicken
But I always get
- A waffle and collard greens as my sides
And incredible Cornbread comes with the Platter.
The atmosphere is fun whether you sit inside to watch a game or outside to people-watch the passersby in Downtown Gilbert (the DTG). That last two times I have been served by Jai, who is this personable and amazing blur of efficiency and awesome. The managers/owners must love her because she can run the whole dining area without raisin' a sweat nor a second request from a customer. Not certain what her next move will be, but I'm DAMN sure Jai will be ownin' and runnin' the show somewhere. She's just bound for success.
So, grab that Outa-Towner, some family, or some friends and dig in.
Pro Tip: cut your waffle in fourths, fold a piece like a New York slice and dip it in the syrup ramakin. Enjoy!