| - Took a class from an abusive instructor. And no, abusive is not an over-exaggeration.I took a class from a teacher who was nothing short of abusive. I can look past a teacher who is impolite (doesn't greet you or inquire about you and your body), who checks his phone throughout class, and who chooses music laden with curse words. Yet, it is unacceptable that someone who calls themselves a teacher also criticize, demean, and touch students in such an forceful and unhelpful manner. This teacher pushed, pulled, yanked on my body so much that he pulled me out of poses. This teacher and class was so disgusting and UNPILATES like, Joesph Pilates would turn over in his grave. I think this particular teacher thinks that being "hard ass" makes his teaching style unique and his classes challenging. Yet, he misses the mark because his class was not unusually challenging at all. He should accept the fact that when students are supported and provided with clear, helpful instructions, they can perform better. His aggressive behavior made me sick. While I am sure there are wonderfully qualified and supportive teachers at Alternative Pilates & Fitness, I really question the judgement of a studio that employs a teacher like this. So, I will not be back. Ever.