| - The food at chipotle is awesome. Don't get me wrong. But I have never had such bad service than I have here! Im SUPER easy to please, hence why most of my reviews are 4-5 stars. And I LOVE chipotle, eat there once a week, but i can not get over how horrendous this staff is. I walk in, wait in line which is normal, get to order and this dude bumps into me so he can clean the window in front of me while i try to order around him. Being clean is cool, but wait until customers are gone, then the girl behind the counter 1. doesnt care about being there 2. leaves to go on a 2 hour mission in the back, then after laughing this all off, i get to check out and there isn't someone there. The cooks look at me, look back down, look into the back, then continue to do their thing. The person making the food looks at me then takes others orders. The line is now growing ever long behind me to check out and still no sign. Someone finally pops out from the back and just proceeds to ring me out as if nothing was wrong. THEN homie cleaning the window bumps into me again to clean the other side of the window. Oh and the soda machine was flat. Good job guys.