After a fulfilling time at Centaur Art Galleries' artist - Mark Lewis - showcase, my galpal suggested we stopped by Teavana to grab some samples - yes, I just said that! - to lessen the effect of the wine I had at the art event. So we went in and Putumayo music was playing in the background. It's a series that features music from all over the world - from Arab to Cuban to Indian to African - put together by these creative artists from France. It's just the right type of ambiance you may need if ever you plan a tea party at home or just decide to chill by the balcony sipping some tea.
My favorite Teavana flavor is a white tea mix - Youthberry Wild Orange Blossom. They give out samples of these right in front of the store so be sure to grab some if you pass by. Not only does it taste good, but it also garners a lot of benefits for the health conscious with elements that help increase metabolism, it also contains a lot of antioxidants (catechins) that sweep up free radicals (they're the insiduous rats that wreak havoc in your body damaging DNA), promotes healthy skin, teeth and gums etc.
And if you happen to be around the mall during closing time like we did, try your luck at this. We enthusiastically sampled a number of the tea products because they were pretty expensive for us to buy right now and the staff saw how much we were into it so they gave us cups and had us fill them in with whatever tea we wanted for free!