| - Front door to back door review for first timer using a Groupon.
I first tried to contact Studio Movie Grill (SMG) to understand their parking validation as well as reserving seats, etc. Their voice message stated they were having trouble with phone and I left a message for a call back. Couple of hours later, the manager returned my call to answer my questions. He gave good instructions on where to park and "how" to receive my parking ticket for validation (very good).
Upon arrival at the parking garage and up to SMG on 2nd floor I had my ticket validated. I provided the reservationist all my paperwork (not my credit card) from Groupon and email confirmation with the seating I picked.
Let's say "Tatiana" was very "guarded" in dealing with me.
First Tatiana told me she needed to see my credit card and I stated otherwise with the paperwork. She then scanned it without problems. Tatiana proceeded to tell me there were no seats left, and I told her on the "PAPERWORK" is the seat I reserved online using my credit card. I asked to see the Manager I had spoken to earlier, by then she found it and printed out my tickets. A Manager did come forward and her whole demeanor changed. Tatiana needs more Customer Service pleasantry skills.
Finding my way up the escalator to another desk just beyond the rest rooms, I was greeted in a more kinder fashion with menus. Found my seat (very comfy) and then began great service with waiter, then drink runner then meal runner. All the while these runners going back and forth, the movie was so great, they were ghost. (Olympus Has Fallen).
I shared a delicious Roasted BB Chicken Pizza, crunchy Sweet Potato Fries and bottomless Sweet Tea. Not a healthy choice, but the food was very good and hot!
Upon leaving to make it to the women's bathroom, it was backed up with folks waiting. I walked around and found it a nice and cozy atmosphere where you could wait for your movie to begin and have a meal or drink and not rush already having a reserved seat.
In summary, it was easy to get there and depart and Yes, I recommend SMG as an all in one dinner/date experience even on a Saturday night.
Yes, I am a fan!