| - Wow! I am so impressed by UTL. This was my first 'tea party' and I loved it - I met up with Kym C. and Julie M. to discuss the book for our Book Club. UTL was very accommodating and had very friendly/helpful service. I ordered a small pot of the Almond and Vanilla Herbal Tea and a slice of their red velvet cake. Both were SO GOOD! The only experience I have had with tea is peppermint herbal tea that you get from the store, and to be honest I've never even finished any that I've made (just not my cup-o-tea I s'pose) but I loved my herbal tea from UTL and I will come back to try different varieties. It had the best flavor and came in a really cool tea pot. The red velvet cake was to die for. It was very rich, moist, and sweet. I loved it, though it was so rich, so moist, and so sweet that I couldn't finish it all in one sitting although, I sure tried...
I am half tempted to go back and buy myself their nifty tea pot and enjoy more of the herbal tea selections, but I don't know if I'm confident enough quite yet, I think I'm going to take one of their classes and then, maybe.
I wish our waitress was more attentive to us and I also wish the menus were all the same - Kym and I swapped our menus before we ordered because there were different selections of teas on each one, which I though was weird. They also don't really have a menu for their desserts (which I guess is okay since the desserts are in a glass display, but it would have been cool if they were listed somewhere).
But even with those downers I am definitely planning to come again, I loved the atmosphere and the relaxing vibe this place puts off. I am definitely a fan!!