| - I just got back to my home, after visiting Ann's Beauty. I bought a wig for my birthday, for $220. The brand is called LaFlare. The brand claims that this hair is unprocessed, which is obviously the opposite of the truth. This hair is over processed. The brand LaFlare has no website, nor a way to find/contact their customer service. I returned to Ann's Beauty to see if there was anything that they could do, worst scenario provide me with a product to tame the hair. Best scenario, replace my wig or provide me with a discount for a new one. I entered the store with clean hair, and an associate brushed it out. Within 5 minutes it was tangled again. The store manager said there was absolutely nothing they could do. Store policy, is store policy, but now I know that they do not care about their customers. I go into Anne's beauty once a week, and have provided them with over 20 customers. I constantly talk about them, and I decided to buy the hair from them, as opposed to online, to support their new store. Lesson learned.