This has to be the absolute WORST Mcdonalds!! As I walked in a guy was walking out just looked at me and said Goodluck you'll need it! Then i stood in front of the register for 10 minutes as the staff seemed to try to not make eye contact with me. From there one of the managers friends I'm assuming with the way they spoke to each other walked in they gave her 3 bags of food and she left.. Finally I said something ordered a burger with no onion (keep in mind I'm the ONLY person in there) after another 10 minutes I get it... It has onions... Took another 5 minutes to get someone to acknowledge that I'm still standing there I inform them that it isn't correct after waiting 7 minutes for them to remake it I said nevermind I'm done I just want my money back... I called the store to get there franchise corporate number called them and they assured someone would call me to follow up.. Never heard anything. And by the looks of the other reviews without any responses they could careless.. At this point I'm not sure even calling McDonald's corporate offices would help at all.