Envision this: you wake up on a Monday morning with a late start because your keys were stuck in the cracks of your sofa and it wasn't till an hour of looking you decided to literally pull apart the house, including your sofa. Ah. There you are, damn keys.
Walk out the door with your cup of home brewed coffee that got cold amidst the chaos of your lost keys. You trip on the Welcome rug outside your door because the storm the previous night was strong enough to create a wrinkle in the rug. Your coffee goes everywhere. And of course you are wearing a white blouse. *insert profanity here*
Finally, after exchanging shirts and trashing the coffee, you decide you have 10 minutes to get some fresh coffee from the Starbucks down the road. Making you only 15 minutes late to work.
Of course you hit every red light on the way. It's a Monday and you can't deny the fact that the planet is planning your demise this very moment.
But you get to this Starbucks drive thru and you get Bob over the intercom, so happy and delightful. Completely swaying your opinion to your animosity of Monday's.
First thing he does while handing you your coffee, "It's on the house today, you come here enough to deserve a free one!!!" (Or something to that derivative.)
The world does have compassion. Even on a Monday.