I really like Summit Cleaners. Are they perfect, no, but they are far and away better than the other options available to me. While they are out of the way, 12 miles round trip from home, it is well worth it for the service they provide and their pricing.
It seems as though the cleaners in Phoenix fall into two categories: exorbitant prices with coupon discounts or $2.50 cleaners. Summit does it right by pricing their cleaning competitively from the start and not requiring coupons while still providing full service.
They advertise their pricing at 50% off, which it is compared to the "coupon" cleaners. Compared to the $2.50 Cleaners they are a little more, but provide full service.
Summit has been my cleaners of choice for almost five years now and will continue to be as long as they remain competitive. I just wish they would tidy up a bit, other than that they are great!